Friday, September 04, 2009


That's my lunch--seriously good cheddar-jalapeno bread from our farmer's market, via this wonderful place.

I feel like I'm a little late to the party.  I've been reading lots of posts lately focusing on the feelings of burden or pressure that can come from blogging--some of them from bloggers with several-year-deep archives--and here I am just getting started, on my last day of being thirty one.

A difficulty with starting now, in 2009, rather than, say, in 2006, is that there are so many blogs to love--how will I make a niche for myself?  Are there not already a hundred or a thousand blogs from women with small children who like to make, eat, and take pictures? 

The advantage, though, is that I've also had many months to form a vision of what I'd like this spot to be: a place to share things I've made and love, reflective of my voice (without trying too hard to be clever), sleek in its design, a record of things in my days that have made me happy.

It's daunting, but I think I'll give it a go.

1 comment:

  1. From one mother of small children who loves to make, eat and take pictures - to another - there's always room for one more. :D Looking forward to reading/seeing more!


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